Saturday, April 24, 2010

Claiming of Graduation Gown

Yeah! I once again step in our school. I miss this.

Today is the schedule of the second batch of claiming the graduation gown. I’m sure that all graduating students are excited to have their own. Honestly even me myself.
Early morning, I and my friend go to school. We see some of our classmates falling in line to claim their own. While we’re in the line we talk for awhile, some shout calling the name of some of us. It really shows that they miss each other. This is the time that we see each other again, since some of us have different schedule and activities. But after that, yes! I’m next in line and I will claim mine. And when I already claim mine, I’m so excited to fit it. I feel proud to myself even though I’m not yet in the graduation proper. While some of us continue their chatting. I also have business with some of my classmates.

Saying “hi” and “hello” this day is too short. But that is it. On the other hand of this day, we can’t have a long time to be with each other, especially us, as a whole class. Because some of us have their own things to do. So by this we say “see you soon guys”.042310

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